in my 21 years of living, i've done lots of thing. but the thing that i love the most is to read.
even since i can read, i read everything, everywhere, anytime. sometimes a just rummage my parents old newspaper to read coz i need to read. it's like a addiction. if a saw a book, but didn't read it. i have this sort of regret feeling. like i was missing something. and naturally i will try to get my hand on it.
now i have found new source to read, ebook. face it, here in malaysia it's hard to find a good book unless you're willing to have it shipped here. the libraries are limited. limited source, limited time, limited everything.
in between reading i've commit to few things as hobbies but nothing was as appealing as reading. even i become a bit selective when watched movies (2nd hobby). nowadays i prefer book based movies coz it was much more appealing. other than that, i hunted indie movies coz it was out of the box.
so yeah, i am a book worm
my playlist
Thursday, December 29, 2011
i'm a bookworm
Posted by Unknown at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
persoalanku terjawab
soalan: adakah serigala haram seperti anjing?
Serigala dalam bahasa Arab disebut al-Zi’bu (الذئب). Ia adalah binatang yang wujud pada zaman Nabi –sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- dan baginda pernah menyebut tentangnya di dalam beberapa hadis yang diriwayatkan darinya, namun tidak ada hadis yang menyamakannya dengan anjing dari segi cara menyucikan bekas yang dijilatnya atau najisnya. Oleh demikian, najis serigala tidaklah sama seperti najis anjing. Ia termasuk dalam kategori najis-najis haiwan buas yang lain di mana memadai dengan membasuhnya hingga hilang kesan-kesannya, tidak wajib dibasuh hingga tujuh kali (dengan basuhan pertama dengan air bercampur tanah) kerana ia tidak dianggap anjing.
Kenyataan di atas disokong oleh pandangan Imam al-Jahiz dalam kitabnya al-Hayawan iaitu kitab yang ditulis oleh ulamak silam membicarakan tentang binatang-binatang, tabiatnya dan aspek-aspek lain berkaitan binatang. Menurut beliau; Serigala bukanlah anjing walaupun ada satu dua sifatnya sama. Malah beliau menyebutkan; orang yang menganggap singa, serigala, dubuk dan musang adalah anjing sama seperti orang yang menganggap kerbau adalah kambing biri-biri atau lembu adalah kambing biri-biri. (Kitab al-Hayawan, 2/348).
Wallahu a’lam.
1.Kitab Al-Hayawan, Imam al-Jahiz (Amru bin Bahr al-Kannani, wafat tahun 255 Hijrah), 2/348.
2.Fatawa as-Syabakah al-Islamiyah, no. 7479
sumber dari:
wallahu a'lam, kebanyakan rujukan pun menyatakan penyataan yang lebih kurang sama tp ini adalah yang terbaik. alhamdulillah, sekurang-kurangnya aku x mengagumi haiwan yang najis. yay, go wolf! ^___^
me: so, mom, i've been researching and all, so can i keep a pet wolf. i promise i'll take really good care of it.
mom: .......... get off the computer!
me: dad.....
dad: huh, that's cool darling. a wolf in the house. have it your way
me: yay, you're cool dad.
mom: over my dead body
me: why you so against it?
dad:'s cool.
me: see, dad's cool about it.
mom: your dad will let you have any animal but i'm the one taking care of it. both of you need to stop watching animal planet.
me: but you're watching it too.
mom: not crazy enough to keep a wolf in the house.
me: sigh... okay mom.
Posted by Unknown at 2:42 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 25, 2011
book review: willow- julia hoban
it was not up to my expectation. but i enjoy reading it nonetheless. willow was the picture of any teenage angst, thrown with real problems and in real life. however, i believe in cause and effect but i saw less effect in this story only cause. i'll recommend it to female readers though.
a good read for a chick flick
Posted by Unknown at 4:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 24, 2011
your side of story..... (cant find much more suitable title)
pretentious people,
false feelings,
fake stories,
lost hope,
exaggerated happiness,
i've seen it all,
and i'll see lots more,
i just don't understand,
never understand,
how could you,
this isn't a game anymore,
i've been in too deep,
i can't play the safe card anymore,
i am no longer the wallflower,
watching on the sidelines,
i've got involved,
and it's sickening,
now i am in the inner circle,
watching this stupid things revolves,
maybe i've done things that help it revolves
to something much more nasty,
lots of skeleton in the closet will be exposed,
for what price?
your damned pride and side of story,
Posted by Unknown at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 11, 2011
book review: looking for alaska - john green
" Miles Halter is fascinated by famous last words–and tired of his safe life at home. He leaves for boarding school to seek what the dying poet Francois Rabelais called the “Great Perhaps.” Much awaits Miles at Culver Creek, including Alaska Young. Clever, funny, screwed-up, and dead sexy, Alaska will pull Miles into her labyrinth and catapult him into the Great Perhaps. "
that are just a little insight of the book. i just had to say, there are more just than one boy meeting one girl which he can't never have.
john green had written this story with light language yet full of emotions. we can almost sense the honesty in his words and really understand what miles must be feeling.
the story divided by before and after of miles adventure in boarding school.
the before was fun, full of prank and mischief while addressing the teenagers problem like smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, friendship and love.
the pranks are hilarious, the kinds that make me said "why did i never thought of that in my boarding school days".
while the teenagers problems are well portrayed that it wasn't exaggerated. it was all in natural balance. in a sense, john green really understand how these problems occurs in teenagers.
the after was depressing and gloomy. i can almost felt all of the character loss. even if it was depressing, i figured out that i refuse to stop reading, not even to wipe my tears.
the two main characters, miles and colonel are trying to figure out what really happened to alaska. because they were the last ones with alaska when she freaked out. they were the ones who created diversion so that alaska can drive out of the school. they are the ones who let her drive, albeit her drunken state. it went against the rule of friends never let friends drive drunk. most would say their attempt to figure out alaska's death was accident or suicide would say that they only wanted some closure for themselves but i'd say that they not only wanted some closure for themselves but for alaska as well. throughout the story, alaska was mysterious and even her death was a mystery. a puzzle they have to solve.
however, i was most driven by takumi's confession letter in the last day. in which he was neglected by the two characters in order to figure out character death. in the letter, he confessed that he knew all along why alaska freak out, why she brought the white tulips in her car. why she went straight to alabama. and he (takumi ) too had let her go so he was as much as guilty as the two friends. however, takumi never really reveal that information to miles and colonel, because he was hurt for being left alone in the dark. i think i could relate to his ( takumi) feeling. if i were left alone in the dark by my best friends, i would kept that information secrets too. takumi, however gave a hint of that incident by relating it to the story of alaska best day and worst day game they played in the barn so that miles and colonel would figure that out and find some closure. my heart are for takumi, because he was not that cruel to let his friends in doubt and also his confession are driven by his equally guilty state. i remember in one part, before he told them about the relating best day worst day game incident, takumi said "we (colonel, miles, takumi) all let her go"
even if was john green's first book, i like the fresh story line and the quirky quotes especially from all the characters. he depicted the real life teenage problem in a simple yet real way, and also he play the concept of truth and loyalty among friends well that make me adore the colonel character.
i would love to suggest this novel to anyone who are in the hunt of real, fun, emotional-driven novel.
Posted by Unknown at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
book review: let the right one in
first romantic horror novel i've ever read. fikiran kne terbuka sikit kalo bace citer ni.
p/s: let me in (movie) adalah adaptasi dari novel ni.
skang ni da banyak novel2 sal jatuh cintan ngan vampire. yg ni pun adalah salah satu darinya. tp aku suka cerita ni coz ia x stereotype. in which vampirenya bukanlah benda paling cantik dalam dimensi tu and yg jatuh cinta pun bukanlah yang paling cool.
watak utama cerita ini sama macam dalam movie iaitu budak 12 tahun bernama oskar dan eli. novel ini juga ade membangkitkan persoalan-persoalan yang lain seperti masalah buli, ketagihan arak, amalan seks songsang,pedophilia, keruntuhan moral, perpecahan rumah tangga dan juga tekanan. bagi aku novel ni jadi menarik dengan adanya masalah2 manusia betul dalam jalan ceritanya.
diceritakan dalam third point of view, reader boleh mengetahui segala yang difikirkan setiap watak dan tidak berfokus kepada satu watak sahaja. walaupun ini membuatkan cerita mudah difahami ttp aku perasan ia mengurangkan kesan suspens pada cerita.
garapan cerita juga menarik kerana fikiran dan pendapat setiap watak dalam cerita ini adalah bertepatan dan sesuai dengan timelinenya.
anyhow, this is better that twilight in terms of vampiric novels. the fear in oscar after seeing the vampiric side of eli for the first time, eli's fear of ever hurting oscar and also the adults in the whole situation are so much better potrayed in this book. a'd say that twilight series was rather pale in comparison to this novel.
however, this is just my point of view. here's a little wikipedia quotes about the novel:
"Let the Right One In (Swedish: Låt den rätte komma in), or Let Me In, is a 2004 vampire fiction novel by Swedish writer John Ajvide Lindqvist. The story centers on the relationship between a 12-year-old boy, Oskar, and a centuries-old vampire child, Eli. It takes place in Blackeberg, a working class suburb of Stockholm, in the early 1980s. The book focuses on the darker side of humanity, dealing with issues such as existential anxiety, school bullying, paedophilia and murder.
BTW, novel ini adalah novel translation dari bahasa sweden dan ceritanya berlaku sekitar tahun 1981.
Posted by Unknown at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 5, 2011
book review: twilight -finished
so i finished twilight. and it took technically weeks which rarely happen to me. i can finished a 200 pages book in one day. i even finoshed two books in between twilight. i guess twilight really wasn't my type.
it's a good story, if you are into star crossed lover. but i am not. i really loved to find some moral or value in a book i read. or something quirky and fun. twilight was lacked in both department.
i read a lot of dramione angst and tragedy fanfictions but not a single scene in twilight made my heart squirmed like dramione fanfictions did. in other words, the tragedy in twilight weren't that much.
the character wasn't much developed. why must all the vampires good looking nad the mere human are not much. i think stephanie meyer loves her vampires a bit too much that she being unfair to other characters. so did bella, she was supposed to be a very independent girl, not a whiny baby.
my verdict: read it at your own risk. or better finished all other books you have then read twilight.
Posted by Unknown at 9:38 PM 0 comments
movie review: let me in
ever watch twilight, or read it? i really suggest this film to all the twilight lovers #cough*getalife*cough#.
i personally love this. it was deeper and much more twisted that twilight with real people and real problems.
"cerita ni berkisar kepada owen, seorang budak 12 tahun yang tinggal di satu kawasan kompleks perumahan. ibu bapa owen ni dah nak bercerai so dier ni tinggal la dengan mak dier. oven ni mmg malang giler coz slalu kene buli kat sekolah. kemuadian dia berjumpa dengan abby yang maru berpindah ke kawasan itu dan dari situ mereka mula berkawan. later in the story, owen ajak abby untuk go steady tapi abby kate dier bukan regular girl. namun begitu mereka terus juga jadi steady. tak lama lepas tu, rahsia abby terdedah. dia mengaku pada owen bahawa die adalah vampire. selepas membunuh seoranganggota polis yang menyiasat kejadian kematian 'ayahnya' abby beritahu owen yang die mesti tinggalkan tempat itu. di sekolah, owen cuba dilemaskan oleh salah seorang pelajar yang slalu membulinya namun abby datang dan telah membunuh kesemua empat pelajar itu (dengan ngerinya). babak terakhir menunjukkan owen menaiki kereta api dan membawa sebuah peti. dalam peti itu adalah abby yang bersembunyi. tidak dinyatakan ke mana mereka akan pergi but that's just it."
bagi aku cerita ini lebih kompleks kerana budak2 12 tahun ni tak bercakap pasal ketakutan sama ada dibunuh atau membunuh dan juga bagaiman mereka saling menerima satu sama lain. banyak konflik yan g berlaku antara abby dan owen tetapi mereka tetap berbaik. x pernah sekali pun abby cakap yang dia akan cederakan owen atau owen takut akan abby. bertambah twisted lagi bapa abby adalah kekasihnya yang sama seperti owen, telah menyintai abby sejak dari zaman remajanya. watak in i menjadi orang yang bartanggungjawab menjaga abby (read: to kill people and get their blood for abby). lelaki ini mati dengan membenarkan abby meminum darahnya sebagai tanda cintanya dan juga kerana dia tidak lagi mampu menjaga abby.
yang manjadikan cerita ini lagi menarik adalah tak banyak dialog meaningless antara abby dan owen. malah tak banyak dialog pun, hnya bahasa tubuh serta jalan cerita ynag jelas menjadi intipati cerita ini.
dicadangkan sebagai salah satu filem terbaik kerana jlan cerrita dan mesejnya dan salah seorang juri berpendapat cerita ini "was beautifully played it was a shame cause not many people appreciate it"
Posted by Unknown at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 2, 2011
book review: go ask alice
go ask Alice dikatakan adalah sebuah diari sebenar milik seorang remaja 15 tahun yang mengalami masalah ketagihan dadah. buku ini diterbitkan pada tahun 1970 di bawah nama penulis anonymous.
one of the best coming of age book i've ever read. tapi malangnya terdapat banyak kesilapan fakta dalam diari, mungkin kesan kerada edit atau tambahan yang dilakukan oleh pihak penerbitan.
novel ini adalah dalam bentuk diary entries yang ditulis oleh remaja ini mengenai perjalanan hidupnya. pada permulaan diari ini ia sama seperti kebanyakan diari remaja perempuan yang lain; mengenai kecantikan, sosial , cinta dan persahabatan tapi kita dapat lihat entry penulis ini menjadi semakin matang. dia menceritakan banyak perkara yang dilalui sebagai remaja dan juga seorang penagih dadah dan begaiman dia berusaha melawan ketagihannya serta bagaimana penerimaan keluarga terhadap dirinya.
walaubagaimanapun, bagi saya penamat novel ini agak tak kena kerana dalam entry-entry terakhirnya, penulis menyatakan bahawa keadaan telah bertambah menjadi baik namun penulis ditemui mati oleh keluarganya tiga minggu selepas ia menyatakan niat untuk tidak lagi menyimpan sebarang diari. sebab kematian tidak diketahui.
go ask alice adalah sebuah novel kontroversi yang agak mencabar. terdapat beberapa trivia yang saya jumpa mase google search novel ni.
1. mana penulis diary adalaha carla
2. alice adalah suatu derivation, bukannya nama penulis diari. penulis hanya bertemu alice di jalanan semasa ia menagih dadah.
3.walaupun pada permulaan penerbitan novel ini didakwa memang diari sebenar milik seorang remaja 15 tahun yang menagih dadah namun pihak kerajaan america menenaraikan beatrice sparks sebagai penulisnya. beliau merupakan seorang pakar psikologi dan mendakwa diari ini adalah milik salah seorang pesakitnya. beliau juga menulis semula beberapa novel lain hasil dari diari pesakitnya seperti jay's journal.
4. 1973, sebuah film menganai buku ini diterbitkan.
bagi saya novel ini dimanakan go ask alice kerana banyak entry dalan diari ini menceritakaan perasaan penulis semasa menggunakan dadah. malah dia ada mengatakan : i felt like alice in wonderland. maybe lewis g. caroll was on drug too. bagi saya alice merujuk kepada alice dalam cerita alice in wonderland yang mengalami keadaan menakjubkan yg pada hakikatnya adalah mimpinya sahaja.
Posted by Unknown at 3:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 1, 2011
movies reviews
sepanjang cuti ni banyak da movie yg aku tngok, so maybe post kali ni x focus pada 1 movie ajer cam aku slalu wat. ok, here i go,
1. the son of rambow
British film. a story with 90s setting. honestly, to me the idea is fresh and the theme is somewhat deep, even if it a story for preteens. fun, quirky and a little bit of sadness. composing a little bit of family, friends and trust theme. i just gonna say i like it, it'is good for the whole family.
2. diary of a wimpy kid & diary of a wimpy kid 2: rodrick rules.
light and hilarious. a little peek on the life of a wimpy kid. no, in here you'll never found a superhero who win at the end of the day, just a boy being a boy. middle school can be though, especially if you are a wimpy kid.
diary of a wimpy kid focuses on greg heffley and all his attempt in order to become popular. unfortunately, all his selfish plans backfired resulting in a very hilarious outcome. at the end, he made it in the school yearbook centerfold as 'most cutest friends' with his best friend rowley
meanwhile, dairy of a wimpy kid 2: rodrick rules focus on the haywire relationship between greg and his brother, rodrick. it is a typical sibling rivalry with usually resulting in greg becoming the victim. however, in order to keep a secret, they started to hang out together and began to get to know each other. in someways i think it is true that we need to get to know everyone better bcoz even if we live in the same house for all of our life, it need a little heart to heart talk to know each other.
3. seeker
based on the book series by susan cooper. in my opinion, the film does little fair to the book because i believe whatever it is, the story (in the book) was surely entertaining. it also had a little bit of harry potter in it, but only, susan cooper had publisshed her book years before j.k. rowling got the idea for harry potter. a good story if you never read the book. sadly, i was expecting something more out of the film. well, i gotta get the book series someday.
4. paranormal activity 1, 2, and 3.
mind blowing. paranormal activity 1 is the best.
these stories centered on two sisters katie and kristi and the mysterious entity that had haunted them since they were little.
paranormal activity 1 is in a way entertaining and different from any other american ghost stories. however, i watched the original version, so it kinda didn't make sense when i watched the PA2 and PA3.
in each movies, the reason for the appearance of the entity was slightly varied but it can be on the same conclusion, sins of the mothers fall on the daughters, something like that.
5. a walk to remember
a tearjerker, especially if you read the book. which i had. though the movies make it seem light and the character Jamie was more fun and outgoing and landon had different problem but it was still pretty much the same. i cried when i read the novel but not when i watched the movie. okay, maybe a little, just because i understand what the characters are feeling.
6. angus, thongs and perfect snogging.
another british film. this time focuses on a girl as she fought for love. or in reality fighting her way in getting the boy she crushed on to notice her. it was fun and a bit of romantic comedy in it. and it is also based on a book. nothing much i can say about it bcoz for me it was kind of cliche. if you got what i mean.
7. the haunting of sorority row.
american horror film minus the gore. i believe we can creep people out without needing to waste pails of fake blood and unnecessary make up. in this film, we follow samantha willow as she encounters lots of mysterious incidents which lead to the disappearance of a fellow pledge from last year, jena thorne. one after one the pledge sisters die leaving to one question, what really happened to jena thorne? entertaining and spooky, i went against all of the cliche american sorority horror film, i mean there are not even a peek of nakedness like they usually dished out in a horror story involving young girls. my applaud the the director for the fresh take of american horror film.
so this is the movies that i watched and oh please, the reviews are all mine, no copyright from anywhere. i write basically on what i feel on each films.
Posted by Unknown at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
1 desember 2011
skang da 1 desember da. diari hidup bosan aku ni x brisi ape2 yg menarik lagi.
ader lg sebulan untuk aku jayakan semua plan aku sepanjang tahun ni.
yg paling susah: habiskan novel ebook twilight. that book really make me want to go the popular bookstore and grab like 10 other better book that that trash. tp aku kena gak hadapai cabaran.
azam 2012: beli buku banyak2 (ok x azam 2)
Posted by Unknown at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
book review: twilight 01
page 100 (ebook)
About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of
him — and I didn't know how potent that part might be — that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was
unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. Bella Swann
this is is mental or what?! two thirds of her observation stated that edward is dangeraous and yet she still go for the tiny one part that any girl will, considering how hot edward is. face it, everyone will loves edward if they didn't know who what he really is.
i've read to page 119 and i got to say bella swann is the most unrealistic character. she technically obsessed with the boy. meyer really need to develop her character better.
but still, there's still three and an half books left to judge.
Posted by Unknown at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
blogs that i frequenting
so this are the list of blogs, (actually, they are on the same network, or whatever you call it) that i love and must visit, like everyday. behold....
yang ni kalo aku satakat nak gelakkan org n kebodohan/ kecerdikan dorang. depend on how you view it.
yg ni nkalo aku nk cari something yg relate w/ my life or not. depend. but one good source of laugh.
this is like my fevret, like ever. coz they got cats and you know what is the awesomest animals? CATS!!!!!!!!!! nyau, nyau >o_o<
ni tiga yg major. kt bawah blog ni ade lagi links blogs yang lain yg mmg aku akan bukak hari2. senag cakap pe yang aku suke adelah gambar, ayat bnyk2 ni tak main ler... ^______^ peace.
Posted by Unknown at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 6, 2011
harry potter vs twilight???
ble ckp sal movie/novel pe yg jd fevret aku harry potter of course. disebabkan aku slalu hanging out kat site2 harry potter aku telah biase dgn phrase "harry potter vs twilight". so otak aku pun agaknya telah di brainwashed untuk tidak menyukai twilight. aku mmg pernah tngok 2 movie pertama die dan berbeza dng harry potter (i've read all the 7 novels, both in bm and bi) aku lnsung x pernah bace novel twilight. not once, period.
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true |
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still true |
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that so true |
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heroin twilight , whatshername sering dilihat dngn pokerface/emoface/ expresionless dan menjadi bahan jenaka internet seluruh dunia dan sering dibandingkan dengan emm watson <3 |
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Posted by Unknown at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
a walk to remember
the latest novel i read and i cried.
i rarely read love stories but this one really moved my emotion. it sort of like wrenched my heart. the ending both happy and sad is really what i really looked up in a novel
i couldn't say much, all i could say, the is the best love story i have ever read, yat.
Posted by Unknown at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
ragam manusia
banyak udang, banyak garam,
banyak orang, banyak ragam.
pepatah melayu yg 1 ni mmg praktikal kan? bnyak tol ragam manusia skarang ni sampai aku pun jadi keliru. ni bukan takat perangai baik jahat jer ni, mcm2 kerenah. kalo setiap perangai tu dijadikan kisah drama melayu, mmg x abih.
ragam-ragam manusia ni kalo x melibatkan orang lain, xpelah, tp kalo orang kiri kanan depan blakang terlibat, pe cer? perlu ke nak mencanang kelebihan diri, budi kite pada orang, peri pentingnya diri kite ni. perlu ke nak membuat musuh, mencari salah orang, mengaib dan mengata? perlu ke kita menabur budi atas niat supaya sang penerima membalasnya. manakah LILLAHITAALA?
aku pun dalam dilema ragam manusia. perangai2 yang mengejutkan aku, menyedarkan aku dari dunia aku. dunia yang hitam putih. aku lupa bahawa terdapat kelabu di setiap sudut. dan sekarang aku nampak.
pape pun, aku akan ttp jadi aku. aku bukan kaki bermuka-muka or talam dua muka or anything.
i am me, i stay on the sideline and i watched and i try to understand as i am trying to understand me right now.
Posted by Unknown at 3:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 2, 2011
smile on the front, smirk on behind,
Posted by Unknown at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
afterschool: mind blowing?
so i've watched the movie afterschool and all i can say it was really confusing, in a good way.
the main character are pretty much like me, i mean i enjoy videos too. and in a way i could understand his character but believe me when i say, you gotta be robert to understand the story.
the camera angles were all messed up, in a way so that we can only think in robert's point of view. no other way around. at one point, i believe the screen shots were from robert's camera which it isn't.
the plot were a bit slow and bored and not lots of conversation happened, only actions. but the actions told a lots of things, especially about the students of the bryton's academy. this slow plot at one time almost had me to push the stop button, but because i know the ending i was very tempted to see it, and the result are not dissapointing.
this story tell the different angle of american highschool, to me, the real side. the one that they are hiding. no cheesy romantic scene, no stupid fashion style or in other way no disney high school shit.
it's safe to say i like it :p
Posted by Unknown at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 26, 2011
filem indie?!?!?
filem indie?
An independent film, or indie film, is a film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly outside of major film studios. The term also refers to art films which differ noticeably from most mass marketed films.[citation needed] In addition to being produced by independent production companies, independent films are often produced and/or distributed by subsidiaries of major studios.[citation needed] In order to be considered independent, less than half of a film's financing should come from a major studio.[citation needed] Independent films are sometimes distinguishable by their content and style and the way in which the filmmakers' personal artistic vision is realized.[citation needed] Usually, but not always, independent films are made with considerably lower film budgets than major studio films.[1] Generally, the marketing of independent films is characterized by limited release designed to build word-of-mouth or to reach small specialty audiences (
aku suke tngk filem tp coz aku ni choosy sangat, jrg2 tngok filem. tp bile cakap sal filem indie, tak kire la tempatan or international, aku tabik la.
skarang da bnyk filem indie, or art filem, cuma payah nak cari jer. kalo anda bioasa blog walking or online surfing kat blog2 underground mungkin akan jumpa la.
beberapa yang aku jumpa agak menarik gak. cam afterschool, toe to toe, fish tank (u.k) dan beberapa lagi. cuma payah nak dapatkan dvd dier kat malaysia ni so kne pepandai la ek kalo nk tngok ;p
Posted by Unknown at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 4, 2011
the pierces-lyrics
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
Why do you smile
Like you have told a secret
Now you're telling lies
Cause you're the one to keep it
But no one keeps a secret
No one keeps a secret
Why when we do our darkest deeds
Do we tell?
They burn in our brains
Become a living hell
Cause everyone tells
Everyone tells…
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
Look into my eyes
Now you're getting sleepy
Are you hypnotized
By secrets that you're keeping?
I know what you're keeping
I know what you're keeping
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
Yes, Katherine.
I have something I want to tell you, but
you have to promise to never tell anyone.
I promise
Do you swear on your life?
I swear on my life
[end spoken]
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
(chorus x 3)
Yes two can keep a secret
If one of us is…. Dead
aku suke lirik ni. maksud dia agak mendalam gak lah. ia buat aku terfikir, mmg biler kiter ader rahsia, kiter akan rase 'gatal' sngt nak bitau org, especially kwn baek or bf/gf kiter. tp bile dah bitau, kiter risau lak takut2 dier kasi pecah rahsia. after all secret is a very delicate thing, you can break it with a whisper.
two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.
maknanya walaupun ader dua orang yang tau rahsia tu, tapi rahsia tu cume blh selamat kalo yang lg 1 tu mati. creepy, huh?! tapi ader betulnya. rahsia x patut diberitahu, tapi kiter nak gak btau, akibatnya kiter mula x senang duduk coz takut kalo kwn kiter tu kasi pecah rahsia kiter. bahase diaer agak kasar la coz cakap pasal mati, i.e murder. n video dier pun sal dier murder kwn dier coz takut kwn dier pecah rahsia.
Posted by Unknown at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 15, 2011
tersesat dan tersangkut,
adakah berbaloi usaha kita?
x mungkin jadi milikku,
melihat dari jauh,
doakan dia bahagia,
Posted by Unknown at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 7, 2011
kurosaki in memories
in sadness i'd like to share that my kitty, Kurosaki is now forever gone. it was believed to be an infection on a wound at his feet. this post is dedicated to him...
Posted by Unknown at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 1, 2011
book review: diary of a wimpy kid- the ugly truth
mse jln2 kt mega mall aritu, g masuk popular jap, cari buku. jumpa la buku ni, title dier cam kt atas tu la.
aku cuma nak cakap, mner buku ni maser aku umur 13-14 thun dulu???
citer dier mmg best. bg aku bacaan dier light jer. dan yang menarik, ia ditulis dalam bentuk jurnal. watak utama greg, menulis jurnal ni bagi menceritakan pengalaman harian dier. n plus pointnya adalah ilustrasi menarik yang ada dalam buku ni. total recommendation pada yang sedang merempuh zaman remaja dan juga mereka yang ingin berurusan dengan remaja.
*now reading dirty little liars
Posted by Unknown at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
of the journey and destination
often, when i was on a bus,
i wish i'll never reach the destination,
because what i saw during the journey is far more satisfying
Posted by Unknown at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 9, 2011
i love my friends,
i really do,
but when they're being secretive,
i can;t help but doubting,
what did i do wrong?
was is there something that i did?
or it is something i say?
did i hurt you,
or did i didn't reach to your expectation?
Posted by Unknown at 5:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 7, 2011
rumah sewa
hari ni dah 7 hb 7 2011, maknenya da hmpir sebulan aku duduk kat rumah sewa.
blaja idup sendiri. slama ni idup sendiri pun duk kat hostel. i had been living in hostel ever since i was a little less thirteen.
wat mase ni housemate okay jer, harapnya selama-lamanya mcm 2. huhuhu, rumah sewa ni pun penuh ngan binatang (baca: kucing) n baru2 ni add plak 2 ekor bunnies. hehehe, suka, suka, suka.
btw, klas sem ni pun mmg rancak dari biase. i mean bru awal sem pun sumer (lecturer) da kelam kabut nk ganti kelas. dpt sorng lec ni mmg dedikasi giler (read: suke bagi kerja, bnyk dan sukar difahami). tp aku raser dier okay, kalo kiter ikut rentak dier which mean quite hard since we all ni sumer manje, all spoon fed and no homework kind of students (most of them la, me included)
till next time, xoxo
Posted by Unknown at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 30, 2011
universal laws
Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.
Law of Probability: The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.
Law of the Telephone: If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.
Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.
Variation Law: If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now.
Law of the Bath: When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.
Law of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
Law of the Result: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.
Law of Biomechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
Law of the Theatre: At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last.
Law of Coffee: As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, you boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
Murphy's Law of Lockers: If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.
Law of Rugs and Carpets: The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpeting.
Law of Location: No matter where you go, there you are.
Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.
Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly.
Oliver's Law: A closed mouth gathers no feet.
Wilson's Law: As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
Posted by Unknown at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 24, 2011
wrong turn
petang tadi g jalan-jalan pantai ngan hausemate (azimah). nak jadi cerita, jalan nk ke pantai kami masuk ikut simpang kg tanjung, jalan2 sampai la kat pantai.
kami pun jalan la sepanjang pantai laksana sepasang kekasih (minus holding hands and whispering), pastu sampai la kat tempat sekumpulan manusia. motto kami, kalo ader org ader la jalan kuar. hehehe, so kami pun jalan la ikut jalan kampung tu. pusing kiri, pusing kanan tapi still x jumpe jalan besar. kami tak give up tape truskan gak, sampai la jumpe satu taman perumahan ni, kat situ jln lagi bersimpang- siur, kami follow jer maner-2 kereta or motor samapai la akhirnya kami nampak jalan besar. nak tau jalan besar tu katne??? kat kedai kuning, maknanya, mase kami lalu jalan kampung tu kami da jalan lagi jauh daripada rumah kami sendiri. menapak la dari kedai kuning tu sampai la ke rumah.
and at that moment i swear i felt infinite
Posted by Unknown at 6:08 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2011
the perks of being a wallflower- book review
semalam aku da abihkan novel 'the perks of being a wallflower'.
novel ni pasal charlie. walaupun novel ni ditulis dalam bentuk surat yang dihantar oleh charlie kepada seseorng yang tidak diketahui, namun dalam suratnya die menceritakan apa yang dilaluinya.
charlie adalah freshman sekolah tinggi. dia dikira sebagai pelajar istimewa tapi tak pernah beritahu (dlm suratnya) apa masalah dier. dalam novel ni, charlie menceritakan kehidupannya seperti berkawan, masalah keluarga dan juga orang yang disukainya dan jugab teman wanitanya.
trigger untuk surat charlie ni adalah kematian ( bunuh diri) kawan baik die Michael dobson.
bagi aku, novel ni menceritakan realiti kehidupan remaja. dalam cerita ni, charlie minum arak, cuba dadah, sex and all. surat charlie ni bentuknya bagi aku macam jurnal yang ditulis pasal kehidupan sehari-hari dier.
quotes yang paling aku suka adalah : "and at that moment, i swear we were infinite"
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ni lah bukunya, tapi aku bace kat dalam lappy jer. kalo jumpe nk beli lah |
Posted by Unknown at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
blank pages
sat over coffee,
a book on her lap,
and i just stood there,
trying to figure out anything to say,
coz she is,
like blank pages,
nothing to read upon,
and i bear no right to write her,
not even the slightest,
so i just stood there,
hoping she'll leave a hint,
a droplet of ink of her life,
so that i'll know,
how to speak,
this poem is dedicated to my once best friend. i still failed to figure her out.
i hope she is happy with her choices.
Posted by Unknown at 8:05 AM 0 comments